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Posts tagged as “self-mastery”


The purpose of this missive is to outline the biochemistry behind Devotion, the same biochemistry that makes you feel motivated – or demotivated, passive and depressed. As a bonus, also included are not one but TWO…


The purpose of this missive is to make you realize why you can’t make meaningful change in your life, and what you can – and should – do about it. There’s always something we can improve…


The purpose of this missive is to give you a simple frame of mind that will help you avoid wasting your life in moping and inactivity. We all have to face intractable situations at some point…


The purpose of this missive is to help you make discipline not only palatable, but also something you want to think about and do all the time. I’ve been using this over and over while dealing…

Why you will want to give up

I will tell you why you will want to give up, so that you know what to do when it happens. You will want to give up because you gave up on your relationships. Not the…

Vision and negativity

I’ve been brainwashing you into developing and using a Vision of Yourself. One huge power of Vision is that it allows you to get forward momentum even from the negative feedback you get. When you have…


The purpose of this missive is to help you learn to be decisive and to act from a position of decision. “I don’t know how to make good decisions.” “I can’t decide.” “What’s the right decision?”…

The obvious way to start building self-esteem

Many subscriber questions and issues that come up in my advisory work relate to the same thing – self-respect, self-esteem, self-first or whatever you call it in your neck of the words these days. Gravitas doesn’t…

Intuition and emotion

This happened many years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I was on a junket in San Francisco. I had foisted myself into a corner suite on the upper floors a few blocks…

10 ways to improve your energy and focus in 10 days

Most people be-LIE-ve that intellect and drive is fixed by age and genetics. That’s the lazy way out. If you want razor-sharp focus and the drive of a heathen berserker, you can have that and more.…

The confidence con and mastering the fundamentals

The purpose of this missive is to help you understand why you keep facing the same issues and what you can do about it. If you want it, you’ve got to work it. Not just your…

Integral foundations of ethics

Pain is a powerful motivator. I don’t write about ethics much because it’s a “boring” subject. It’s boring in two ways. If you’re poor or your brain is broken from abuse with seed oils and refined…