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Posts published in “Missive”

4 simple ways to deal with sugar withdrawal

When they say sugar is more addictive than wholesale-grade cocaine, they aren’t kidding. If you’re a regular user – i.e., an addict – you will know it when you quit sugar and get headaches, irritability, cold…

Top 2 career mistakes people make when applying for jobs

When applying for jobs, people make two fundamental mistakes, which are actually sides of the same coin. The coin? Approaching jobs, career and life in general like you’re still in school. The first and most common…

3 simple methods to make fasting easier

Everyone has been indoctrinated from a very early age that they should be eating all the time. You didn’t have lunch? You must be STARVING!!! Sometimes fasting can become physically challenging because of all this mental…

The #1 easiest method to make deadlines work for you

Motivation and enthusiasm are for fools and tourists. Most people freeze at the first meaningful challenge or serious deadline. What can we do about it? Something as powerful as it is simple. Best of all, something…

Fanatical illiterate

The purpose of this missive is to help you avoid a lot of disastrous mistakes in life. I won’t give you background. Read a book. When Napoleon sent 118,000 troops into Spain, he thought the French…

Self-doubt and extermination

Self-doubt is sin and degeneracy. Subscriber question: How to avoid it? Simple as making the decision/reinforcing self-trust continuously? Short answer: almost. First, you have to cultivate paying attention to your emotions, and doubt in particular. You…

Habit inventory

Most productivity experts and self-improvers fixate on habit creation. What most people need is some serious habit disruption. You already have habits, whether you realize it or not. Unconscious habits have even more potential to be…

7 EASY ways to build up cash for the global recession

In February 2020, I posted a warning about the coming global pandemic, with specific recommendations how to avoid the worst of it when we didn’t know much about the virus. Back then, the pandemic was still…

Dynamics of trust

The purpose of this missive is to help you understand trust and how to build it into your life. I’ve been dealing with a serious injury last couple of days. It’s been such a blessing of…

“I fired 12 floors of people”

The purpose of this missive is to help you understand what it takes. When I was a kid, like 30 years ago, I saw this company ACF. I thought it was cheap, so I put some…

Why we fight

The purpose of this missive is to help you stop fighting yourself and negotiating with yourself. It’s not long. Francesco Rosario Capra was born in 1897 in a small Sicilian village just outside of Palermo. He…


The purpose of this missive is to conduct a special operation in your mind. I often noticed during the wars that people didn’t carry out necessary actions thinking it’s too late. And yet, later it would…

Finding fearlessness

The purpose of this missive is to provide a simple technique that, in time, will obliterate your need for courage. Done right – which takes persistence – it will also obliterate your sense of courage itself.…